The serious stuff...


By booking a workout with us at Parkside Pilates, you are agreeing to the following Terms & Conditions

Reformer 〰️ Wunda Chair 〰️ Clinical Pilates 〰️ Trapeze Table 〰️

By accessing any Membership, goods, or services provided by Parkside Pilates, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions. Please read and understand these Terms and Conditions before proceeding. Additionally:

1.1. You have received a copy of these Terms and Conditions, read and comprehend them, and consent to comply with their provisions.

1.2. No terms and conditions from any of your documents will supersede or modify these Terms and Conditions in any way.

1.3. Parkside Pilates reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions by providing written notice. Your continued use of Parkside Pilates’ goods and/or services or maintenance of your Membership will constitute acceptance of any such amendments.

All packs have a 6 week expiry.

New client Intro Pack

Our new client intro offer is valid for 14 days from your first booking. This offer is only available to new clients and can only be purchased once. The introductory offer is non-refundable. Clients found to be buying the Introductory Offer more than once will be suspended and charged any additional class costs they may have incurred.


2.2. Fees for Class Packs must be paid in full upfront.

2.3. Gift cards for Class Packs are available for purchase.

2.4. The Fees for Class Packs are non-refundable, unless otherwise specified in clause 4.5.

2.5. Classes purchased within a Class Pack are valid for the specified period mentioned in clause 4.1. Any unused Classes after this period will expire and cannot be redeemed for credit.

2.6. Your Class Pack Membership will expire once you have used all the Classes in the relevant Class Pack or at the end of the validity period specified in clause 4.1, whichever comes first.

2.7. Packs are non-refundable and are not transferable but can be extended if you are injured, in which case we will request a medical certificate. Extensions due to medical reasons must be requested before the expiry date.


4.1. To book a Class, please use the Parkside Pilates App or visit the Parkside Pilates Website.

4.2. Class bookings are subject to availability, which is determined at the discretion of Parkside Pilates.

4.3. To reserve a spot in a Class, you must either be a Member with prepaid Fees or make payment at the time of booking to become a Member.

4.4. Payment of Fees must be made according to the payment terms specified in clause 3 for the purchase of Periodic Subscriptions or clause 4 for the purchase of Class Packs.

4.5. Please note that Class availability is on a first-come, first-served basis. To avoid disappointment, Classes can be booked up to 4 weeks in advance.

4.6. If you are unable to attend a booked Class, please ensure that you cancel in a timely manner to allow others the opportunity to book that spot.

4.7. In the event of a Class cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances, you will be promptly notified via text, phone, or email (as applicable), provided that you have provided us with your contact details.

5.1. If the class you desire is already at maximum capacity, make sure to register for the waitlist. In the event that a spot becomes vacant, you will receive an email or text notification confirming your enrolment in the class. If you fail to respond, we will assume that you plan to attend.

5.2. Please note that the 9-hour cancellation policy also applies to waitlisted positions. Therefore, if you are unable to attend the class, kindly remove yourself from the waitlist.

6.1. You are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times while present at a Parkside Pilates Location.

6.2. You acknowledge and consent that Parkside Pilates conducts continuous Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring for security purposes. Additionally, Parkside Pilates may occasionally capture photographs, audio, or videos for promotional and marketing purposes. You agree to the recording of your image, video, or audio at a Parkside Pilates Location for such purposes.

6.3. Before the start of each Class, you must inform and disclose to Parkside Pilates Staff any injuries, illnesses, or any medical conditions that may affect your ability to participate in the Class activities or use Parkside Pilates’s equipment or facilities.

6.4. Any injuries or accidents that occur during a Class must be immediately reported to Parkside Pilates Staff.

6.5. If you have not booked into a Class, it is advisable to call and confirm whether the Classes are taking place, especially during early morning and late evening hours, to avoid any disappointment.

6.6. To ensure the safety of Parkside Pilates Trainers, other Members, and yourself, the warm-up at the beginning of each Class is a crucial part of the session. Please note that if you are more than 5 minutes late for a Class or are unable to complete the warm-up, the Parkside Pilates Trainer may exercise their discretion and deny your participation in the Class. In such cases, your credit for that Class will not be redeemed.

6.7. Parkside Pilates, including Parkside Pilates Trainers, reserve the right to restrict Members to specific Class types or limit certain activities or the use of particular equipment or facilities based on health and safety considerations. Furthermore, Parkside Pilates, including Parkside Pilates Trainers, reserve the right to deny your participation in a Class if we believe that you are not medically fit or capable of performing the Class activities or using Parkside Pilates’s equipment or facilities.

6.8. Classes booked by a Member are non-transferable to another individual or Member under any circumstances. They cannot be used by anyone other than the Member who made the booking. If someone other than the registered Member arrives to attend the Class, they will be refused entry or asked to purchase their own Membership.

6.9. In the event of theft or any inappropriate or unlawful behaviour witnessed or experienced by you, it must be promptly reported to Parkside Pilates Staff.

6.10. It is your responsibility to take care of your personal belongings (e.g., keys, wallets) while you are at a Parkside Pilates Location. Valuables should not be brought into the premises. If you choose to bring personal belongings to Parkside Pilates, please ensure they are kept on your person at all times or secured in the available lockers (subject to availability).

6.11. For safety reasons, bags are not allowed on the floors of any Parkside Pilates Location.

6.12. Any found lost property should be immediately handed over to the reception at the respective Parkside Pilates Location. Lost property items will be held for a reasonable period before being donated to charity.

6.13. Access to a Parkside Pilates Location is only granted to Members during Class hours, provided they have made a booking.

6.14. Parkside Pilates reserves the right to remove you from a Class or the Parkside Pilates Location if, in our opinion, you violate any of the aforementioned requirements or fail to comply with these Terms and Conditions.

By using our services, you agree to adhere to the following code of conduct:

7.1. Use all equipment with care and follow the instructions provided by Parkside Pilates Staff.

7.2. Respect and comply with the directions given by Parkside Pilates Staff at all times.

7.3. Read and follow all signs and instructions displayed throughout the Parkside Pilates Location.

7.4. Act in a safe, hygienic, appropriate, and lawful manner at all times.

7.5. Refrain from causing any loss or damage to the property of Parkside Pilates or any other person.

7.6. Avoid disrupting or harming other Members or Classes in any way.

7.7. Be respectful and courteous to all individuals within a Parkside Pilates Location.

7.8. Provide accurate and truthful information to Parkside Pilates and refrain from misleading or providing false information.

7.9. Obtain express permission from Parkside Pilates before using camera and audio recording devices at any Kefi Studio Pilates Location.

7.10. Promptly provide confirmation of your booking upon request by a trainer/owner.

7.11. Refrain from consuming alcohol or smoking cigarettes/vapes 

9.1. As a condition of your Membership, you agree to pay your Fees via Credit card on file and complete and sign a card Debit Agreement when purchasing your membership.

9.2. Your credit card will be debited for the Fees due under these Terms and Conditions.

9.4. Failure to pay the Fees by the due date may result in refusal of entry to Parkside Pilates and cancellation of Membership

13.1 By participating in Classes and using the equipment and facilities at Parkside Pilates, you warrant and represent that you are medically fit to undertake physically demanding exercises conducted during Classes.

13.2 You acknowledge and agree that your attendance at Classes and use of Parkside Pilates’ equipment and facilities are undertaken at your sole risk and responsibility. You are fully aware that the Classes are physically demanding and could pose a risk to your health if you are not medically fit.

13.3 Parkside Pilates accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage to your personal property. You acknowledge and agree that you bring any personal property onto Parkside Pilates Locations at your own risk and responsibility.

13.4 To the extent permitted by law, you unconditionally and irrevocably release Parkside Pilates from any liability and claims arising from personal injury, illness, death, or loss or damage to personal property, both present and future.

13.5 To the extent permitted by law, all implied warranties, guarantees, and terms in connection with these Terms and Conditions are excluded. Parkside Pilates’ liability, where it cannot be excluded by law, is limited to:

(a) Repair or resupply of equivalent goods, or refund of any amount paid by the Member to Parkside Pilates in relation to those goods.

(b) Re-performing the relevant services, or refund of any amount paid by the Member to ParksidePilates in relation to those services.

13.6 To the extent permitted by law, Parkside Pilates excludes any liability to a Member (whether under contract, tort, statute, equity, or indemnity) for any indirect, special, or consequential loss or damage, including loss of opportunity, loss of profit or revenue, loss under any third-party arrangements, or other losses not reasonably considered to arise naturally from the relevant breach, event, fact, matter, or circumstance.

13.7 To the extent permitted by law, Parkside Pilates’ aggregate maximum liability to the Member arising from these Terms and Conditions (whether under contract, tort, statute, equity, or indemnity) is limited to the Fees paid by the Member in the previous 6 months.

14.1. These Terms and Conditions represent the complete agreement between the Member and Parkside Pilates concerning the subject matter and replace any prior written or oral agreements.

14.2 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is prohibited, invalid, or unenforceable, it will be ineffective to the extent of the prohibition, invalidity, or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions unless it significantly alters the nature or material terms of these Terms and Conditions.

14.3 Any notices or communications between parties under these Terms and Conditions must be in writing and can be delivered in person, by email, or by post to the recipient’s specified address or any new address communicated by the recipient.

14.4 Any confidential or sensitive information disclosed by Parkside Pilates must only be used for the purposes explicitly specified. You are obligated to keep such confidential information confidential unless it becomes public knowledge (not due to a breach of these Terms and Conditions) or disclosure is required by law or a regulatory body.

14.5 Parkside Pilates’ obligations under these Terms and Conditions will be suspended during events of Force Majeure, which are circumstances beyond its reasonable control, such as pandemics, natural disasters, government actions, or supplier/subcontractor failures.

14.6 Members are not permitted to assign any rights under these Terms and Conditions without prior written consent from Parkside Pilates.

14.7 Nothing in this agreement is intended to create an employment, agency, partnership, fiduciary, or joint venture relationship between Parkside Pilates and any Member.

Reformer ~ Wunda Chair ~ Mat ~ Clinical Pilates ~ Private Sessions ~ Stretch ~ Strength ~ Control ~ Trapeze Table ~ Reformer ~ Wunda Chair ~ Spring Wall ~ TRX ~ Mat Pilates~
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